Our Story

In 2005, we established Van Dyck Brown & Associates, a bookkeeping and accounting practice based in Los Angeles (now based in the Indianapolis area). In over 15 years of service to hundreds of businesses, from Hollywood production companies to nano-tech start-ups, we've seen what works--- and what doesn't -- when it comes to running a successful company.

 In 2019, we rebranded Van Dyck Brown & Associates to The Business Builders to better reflect the way we serve our clients. In addition to providing bookkeeping and accounting, we now offer consulting services to help emerging and established business owners build companies that will stand the test of time.

Here's What Our Clients Are Saying About Us:

In the 15 years since launching her business, Neilia has served as a trusted adviser to hundreds of business owners in diverse industries including leadership & organizational development, film production, green building, architecture, and graphic design. She has extensive experience helping service-based businesses owners get their books organized and properly maintained, and enjoys consulting with her clients on how to grow and run successful companies. She believes everyone should own a business at least once in their life, and is a self-described small business evangelist. 

Let's Connect! (818) 288-5084 | nbrown@thebizbuild.com